The Red Nose Pit bull along with the Blue Nose are among the very popular types of pit bull dogs. Many people seek ownership of these types of pit bulls. There are in fact just that, types of pit bulls.
The red nose pit bull is not a rare breed or anything of the sort. They are pit bulls all the same with a different pigment in their nose that many people are attracted to.
The types of pit bull breeds really depends on who you ask mainly, the AKC and the UKC. Both clubs recognize the Staffordshire Bull Terrier as a breed of pit bull.
The AKC recognizes the American Staffordshire Terrier and the UKC recognizes the American Pit Bull Terrier and as of 2013, The American Bully as pit bull breeds.
The Bull Terrier is not considered to be part of the pit bull bloodline.
Red Nose Pit Bull History
The history of the red nose pit dates back just less than two centuries ago. Dog Fighting was all the range in Ireland and dogs that could fight well were worth a small fortune in stud fees and much of the breeding took place within very small gene pools.
The strain of dogs which was bred to fight was known as ‘Old Family Dogs’, and due to selective breeding they managed to retain a fairly red color due to this repeat breeding. They were called “Old Family Red Nose” or “OFRN.”
One way to be sure of your dog breed is with a DNA test.
After a number of years through this selective breeding the dog remained red throughout, this includes their toenails.
The Red Pit Bull ‘Bloodline’ was virtually eradicated when any red nose pit bull was banned from being registered as an American Staffordshire Terrier. This is because the American Kennel Club did not agree with dog fighting, and the red nose had been synonymous with this for a number of years.
You should remember that the goal of the original breeders wasn’t to create a red dog, it was simply to create a dog that was a fantastic fighter, and the red was merely a side effect of this breeding program.
Nowadays it is very rare to find red nose pit bulls that have descended from the original ‘Old Family’ line, although many breeders do claim that they are working with them.
This has meant that the gene pool has become slightly wider. Thus, you are not going to be subject to the genetic deformities which held the dogs back in the past due to their selective breeding i.e. skin complaints and temperament issues.
Red Nose Pit Bull Temperament
It is also worth remembering that since most red nose pit bulls are far removed from the original fighting line, they don’t have the same temperament which made them great fighting dogs.
This should lessen concerns about the aggressiveness of a pit bull red nose that many people claim that they do possess. In fact, most of these types of pit bull breeds are fairly ‘docile’ animals. Contradictory to the sensationalized news, pit bulls are not born mean.
Red Nose Pit Bull Characteristics
- Reddish nose with red pigmentation throughout its coat and paws are common. Coat colors can vary.
- Moderate shedding
- Generally healthy. Susceptible to allergies. Less common are hip and joint disease.
- Energetic and playful
- Great with children and family
Red Nose Pit Bull Lifespan
The Red Nose Pit is not a separate breed of pit bull. It is just a different type of pit bull that happens to possess red pigmentation. Therefore the lifespan of a red nose pit bull will be similar to that of other pit bull dog breeds, which is approximately;y 12-14 years. The red pigmentation does not affect how long a pit bull will live for.
Training a red pit bull is not any different from training a brown pit, blue etc. We have written about this on our dog training page.
You can also find there a free online dog training mini-course as well as a free ebook on dog training. Both available for immediate download. A great place to start if you have never trained a dog before.
Red Nose Pit Bull vs. Blue Nose Pit Bull
Pit bull colors will vary. The only real difference between a red pit and a blue nose pit is the color. This goes for other colors you may see in the pit bull dog breed.
They are not any more aggressive or better attack dogs than any other dog bred for that nature. Just as humans have different pigments to differentiate themselves, our pit bull friends do also.
The pit bull breed is a mixed breed to begin with. Variations in colors shouldn’t be confused with a pit bull mix which had been bred with an entirely different dog breed.
Other than the color, one difference between red nose and blue nose pits is the susceptibility of the blue nose pits to dog skin allergies. Red nose pits can have allergies just the same or worse than the blue nose pit.
Skin allergies as well as seasonal allergies in dogs are very common in the pit bull breed. It seems as if many complaints regarding skin allergies are from blue nose owners.
It’s important to feed your pit bull the best quality dog food you can afford, regardless of the color of pit bull. Keep his skin and coat clean, moisturized and free of bugs and ticks. Brush his coat often. A proper diet and moisturization are both vital in keeping their skin and coat shiny and healthy.
A healthy coat will help protect against dog rashes and skin irritations from their day to day activities. This can also help to minimize your dog’s irritated skin due to a seasonal allergy outbreak.
If you want to crop your dog’s ears, you should know it’s painful and uncomfortable for them. Do some extensive research prior to making a decision.
Read more facts and myths about pit bulls like bite force and locking jaw.